• 19106 reviews
VK Styles - Themes for vk.com
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VK Styles - Themes for vk.com
VK Styles - Themes for vk.com
VK Styles - Themes for vk.com
VK Styles - Themes for vk.com
VK Styles - Themes for vk.com

Revamp Your VKontakte Experience with the Chrome Extension

Transform Your VKontakte Experience with VK Styles Chrome Extension

Are you tired of the same old VKontakte interface? Do you wish you could personalize it to match your style or mood? Look no further than the VK Styles Chrome extension . With a total rating of 4.90 based on user reviews, this add-on is a game-changer for VKontakte users.

Customize Your VKontakte Theme

Upon installation, the VK Styles add-on transforms the standard light design of vk.com into a sleek and visually appealing dark night mode. But that's just the beginning. This extension allows you to customize the VKontakte theme to your heart's content.

Endless Visual Aesthetics Options

With VK Styles, you have complete control over the visual aesthetics of your VKontakte profile. You can adjust the interface color, text color and size, background color and transparency, headers, and even the menu color and background. The options are endless.

Personalize Your VKontakte Experience

Not only can you choose from a wide range of fonts to enhance the readability and appearance of your VKontakte page, but you can also select from a plethora of backgrounds, wallpapers, or animated screensavers to create a truly unique and personalized experience.

Stay on Top of the Time

One standout feature of VK Styles is the addition of a clock, which adds both functionality and style to your VKontakte page. Stay on top of the time while browsing your favorite social media platform.

An Immersive Music Experience

But VK Styles doesn't stop there. It goes a step further by incorporating an audio visualizer and equalizer, bringing your VKontakte music experience to life. Immerse yourself in the rhythm and visualize the beats as you enjoy your favorite tunes.

Effortless VK Player Control

Furthermore, this extension adds support for multimedia keys, allowing you to control the VK player effortlessly. Play, pause, skip tracks, and adjust the volume with just a touch of a button.

Rave Reviews from Users

Don't just take our word for it. Users have raved about the VK Styles Chrome extension. According to one user, "It's beautifully done." Another user simply said, "The best extension for Chrome. Change my mind."

Enhance Your VKontakte Profile Today

Whether you're a fan of anime, looking for a sleek and modern design, or simply want to enhance your VKontakte experience, VK Styles has got you covered. Install this incredible extension today and transform your VKontakte profile into a visual masterpiece.

Customize VKontakte interface according to your preferences

Easily install and share themes for VK in one click

Ability to change fonts, backgrounds, and block styles

May require some time to set up and customize

Limited to VKontakte platform

19106 reviews
13 Reviews For This Extension


Илья Трудов


Nafthan Hulewell

perfect beautiful



Sergey Shvedov


Александр Горохов


Глеб Перебоев




Илья Лёвушкин


Nort Procaw


Denis Koschienko




Bogdan Verstov

Best forever

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